Google Tips

Getting Started Facts

If you click on Settings you will be able to set some parameters to your use of Google.

  • You can adjust your preferred languages,
  • you can clean up your search history,
  • and you can do an advanced search.

Keyword Search

Apply your keyword searching strategy.

Google looks through billions of pages, so try to be exact with your keywords.

  • EG: It’s better to search for “general anxiety disorder” than just anxiety.
  • The order of search terms matters too.
  • Try to place your most important terms first.

Price Search

It can be used to search specific keywords with the associated price range to get an idea of the products having a similar price.

Example: lcd tv $500

It will show search results specific to icd tvs having price closer to USD 500.

Combine Searches

OR can be used to combine multiple keywords to refine the search results.

Example: ckricket OR football

It will show search results having either cricket or football.

AND can be used to combine multiple keywords to refine the search results.

Example: cricket AND football

It will show search results having both cricket and football.

The asterisk symbol can be used if there is some forgotten part of a phrase, to indicate the missing words:

Example: "cricket*football"

It shows search results having a wildcard word between cricket and football.

Site Search

The site search operator can be used to filter search results for a specific domain.


It shows results specific to ESPN cricinfo website.

Related Search

The related site search operator can be used to filter search results from the sites related to a specific domain.


It shows results related to ESPN cricinfo website.

Cached Site

The operator cache: can be used to search for Google's cached version of the site.


Exact and Exclude Search

Just like database searching, if you’re searching for a specific phrase, place quotation marks around it.

Example: "Euler algorithm"

The minus symbol can be used just before the search keywords to exclude from search results.

Example: Euler -algorithm

It will show search results having Euler keyword excluding the algorithm keyword.

Range Search

The double dots can be used between a range of numbers to search the keywords for the specified range.

Example: lcd tv $500..750

It will search for lcd tvs within the range of 500 to 750.

The define search operator can be used to search on Google Dictionary. It shows the word and meaning using a card layout.

Example: define:cricket

File Search

The filetype operator can be useed to search in files having a specified extension.


  • java filetype:pdf - PDFs for Java;
  • filetype:ppt - for PowerPoint
  • filetype:pdf - for PDF documents
  • filetype:xls - for Excel spreadsheets
  • filetype:doc - for Word documents

Specific Search

Search Title

Search just the titles of websites using this.

Example: intitle: before your key word(s).

Search URLs

To search URLs use this.

Example: inurl: before your key word(s).

Search Text

You can also search just the text.

Example: intext: before your key word(s).

Search Website

When a website you liked is found, try this to find similar websites.

Example: related: followed by the URL

Reverse Image Search

You can find where else an image has been used by right clicking on the image and selecting “search google for image.” You can even upload your own image (drag and drop it into Google) and Google will do its best to identify the image and find related pictures.

Hashtag Search

The symbol # can be used to search for hashtags by prefixing the word with it.

Example: #lotr

It will show results specific to the movie The Lord Of The Rings.

Social Media Search

The symbol @ can be used to search in s ocial media by putting it just before the text to search.

Example: @fifa

You can narrow your search results by...

  • language: Find pages in the language that you select;
  • region: Find pages published in a particular region;
  • last update: Find pages updated within the time that you specify;
  • site or domain: Search one site (like ) or limit your results to a domain like .edu, .org or .govterms ;
  • appearing: Search for terms in the whole page, page title or web address, or links to the page you're looking for;
  • SafeSearch: Tell SafeSearch whether to filter sexually explicit content;
  • usage rights: Find pages in the format that you prefer;
  • file type: Find pages that you are free to use yourself.

We use Google Advanced search to narrow down our search results or conduct complex searches.

Search tools will be different based on the type of results you’re looking at, but may include:

  • Publish date: Limit results according to when they were published on the Web.
  • Verbatim: Search for exact words or phrases.
  • Dictionary: Find definitions, synonyms, images, and more for your search term.
  • Private: If you're signed in to your Google Account, you can see content that was shared with you on Google+ or Gmail.
  • Nearby: See results for your current location.
  • Videos: Filter by length of video, quality, and source, like
  • Recipes: Filter by ingredients, cook time, and calories.
  • Applications: Choose the price and operating system, or OS, for available apps.
  • Patents: Select a patent's filing or publishing date, the patent office it was filed in, filing status, and type.

Learn a few tips and tricks to help you easily find information on Google

Tip 1: Start with the basics

No matter what you're looking for, start with a simple search like where's the closest airport?.

You can always add a few descriptive words if necessary. If you're looking for a place or product in a specific location, add the location.

For example, bakery kuwait.

Tip 2: Search using your voice

Tired of typing? Say "Ok Google" or choose the microphone icon to search using your voice. Learn more about "Ok Google" and voice search.

Tip 3: Choose words carefully

When you're deciding what words to put in the search box, try to choose words that are likely to appear on the site you're looking for. For example, instead of saying my head hurts, say headache, because that’s the word a medical site would use.

Tip 4: Don’t worry about the little things

Spelling. Google's spell checker automatically uses the most common spelling of a given word, whether or not you spell it correctly.

Capitalization. A search for New York Times is the same as a search for new york times.

Tip 5: Find quick answers

For many searches, Google will do the work for you and show an answer to your question in the search results. Some features, like information about sports teams, aren't available in all regions.

  • Weather: Search weather to see the weather in your location or add a city name, like weather kuwait, to find weather for a certain place.
  • Dictionary: Put define in front of any word to see its definition.
  • Calculations: Enter a math equation like 3*9123, or solve complex graphing equations.
  • Unit conversions: Enter any conversion, like 3 dollars in euros.
  • Sports: Search for the name of your team to see a schedule, game scores and more.
  • Quick facts: Search for the name of a celebrity, location, movie, or song to find related information.
  • Remove Prepositions such as "a" 'the', 'is;, 'at', "on", etc.

More words = Fewer results. Use only the words that are essential to the meaning of what you're looking for.

Case does NOT matter ("new york times" will yield the same results as "New York Times")

In most cases, punctuation is ignored.