Expressing What Matters

Literature, according to C.S. Lewis, "adds to reality, it does not simply describe it." Additionally, Lewis states that "it enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become." Today, the study of literature provides direct access to the cultural capital of billions. In practical terms, students taking a degree in English Literature become equipped for an enormous range of careers and postgraduate opportunities.

Bachelor of Arts in English Literature

Unlocking Diverse Horizons

Students of Literature can go on to work and study in teaching and academics, arts and media, journalism, law, welfare, administration, public relations, international relations, business, and marketing. Skills acquired during the course of the degree (such as critical thinking, clarity of expression in written and oral forms, self-management and planning, independent research, organization of time, cooperation with others, attention to detail, and ability to grasp the larger picture) will be invaluable regardless of one’s chosen career path.

Program Plan - Fall 2020-2021 onwards

Program Plan - Fall 2019-2020 onwards

Program Plan - Fall 2016-2017 onwards

Program Plan - Fall 2014-2015 onwards

Program Plan - Fall 2013-2014 onwards

Program Plan - for students who joined before Fall 2012-2013