MCM 102 Introduction to Public Speaking. 3.00
Prerequisite: ENGL 100 / 110 / 112
This course will cover theories and techniques of organization, evidence, argumentation, persuasion, and delivery in public speaking.
MCM 103 Introduction to Mass Media 3.00
Prerequisite: ENGL 100 / 110 / 112
This course is an introduction to oral, print, and electronic media of communication. Emphasis is placed on history, theory, and criticism of the mass media as cultural institutions.
MCM 206 Introduction to Writing for Mass Media 3.00
Prerequisite: MCM 103 & ENGL 112 & UMCOM
Elementary principles and practice of writing for mass media in varied program formats, with emphasis on preparation of written materials for news, public relations, and public affairs.
MCM 251 Introduction to Visual Communications 3.00
Prerequisite: MCM 105 & UMCOM
Helps students to understand the theories of visual communications including human perception, psychology of color, and principles of design. Students learn the vocabulary of a visual language. Building upon the vocabulary, they learn how visual elements can be persuasive within a professional communication context. Covers the application of theories to graphic, design, animation, video, audio editing and web design. This course is offered every semester.
MCM 253 Visual Culture 3.00
Prerequisite: MCM 251 & UMCOM
Introduces the social and historical backgrounds that inform the ever-increasing visual culture we live in. Explores the roles and influences visual representations and visual productions have on cultural experience and historical events. It draws on theories, as well as numerous historical and contemporary examples from art, design, film, video, advertising, television, new media and other forms of visual communication.
MCM 252 Graphic Design 3.00
Prerequisite: MCM 251
This course will develop a working knowledge of graphic design. It includes Vector graphics creation (Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw). The course also introduces the design of 3D computer graphics and animation. A brief history and philosophy behind this new technology via videos, graphic examples. Students will also explore the use of 3D for television and motion picture animations.
MCM 412 Communication Theory 3.00
Prerequisite: MCM 206 & 54 Passed Credit & UMCOM
Survey of elements and processes critical to human communication behavior. Comparison of influential communication theories.
MCM 306 Promotion Design 3.00
Prerequisite: MCM 252 & UMCOM
Explores the application of advanced graphic design and promotional techniques used in creating advertisements and other marketing collateral. The course allows the exploration of creative mediums and techniques with a focus on 3-D items and environments, such as packaging, point of sale, trade shows, exhibition spaces and concept stores.
MCM 353 Motion Graphics 3.00
Prerequisite: MCM 251 & UMCOM
Introduces students to the principles and elements of motion design. It identifies methods and process for conceptualizing in time-based media, as well as developing a vocabulary and visual language for motion. In addition to stressing systems, structure and synthesis of text and image for time-based media, the course also provides knowledge and skills in the digital creativity, such as 2D and 3D animation.
MCM 411 Media Law & Ethics 3.00
Prerequisite: MCM 206 & Junior Standing & UMCOM
Discussion of laws and ethics affecting the mass media. Exploration of problems and issues in legal regulation of media content, ownership and ethical standards such as privacy, censorship, honesty, fairness, and objectivity.
MCM 413 Research Methods in Mass Communication 3.00
Prerequisite: MCM 206 & MATH (111 / 122) & Junior Level & UMCOM
Introduction to the fundamental tools of quantitative research in communication. Focus of the course is on reading and comprehending communication research reports rather than conducting quantitative research.
MCM 455 Internship 3.00
Prerequisite: Junior Standing & UMCOM
Professional attachment to an onsite professional media organization. Requires students to officially document work and hours performed.