Visualizing Article Relationships

What Is the Citation Mapping Tool

The citation mapping tool tracks an article’s cited and citing references through two generations, allowing researchers to visually discover an article’s wider relationships:

  • Go forward and backward in time to track citing and cited references
  • Color code, re-configure and organize your citation maps to discover trends in citation activity
  • Completely interactive
  • Access via any Web of Science Core Collection full record

To access the citation mapping feature view the Online Tutorial:

  1. Create a search in Web of Science Core Collection
  2. Choose and click on one of the hyperlinked titles in your results list to access its full record
  3. Click on the link in the full record labeled ‘Citation Map (beta)
  4. Select which kind of map you want to see, and then click on the ‘Create’ button in the bottom right of your screen

One of the First Citation Maps of Science

Citation Alert

Setting up a Citation Alert allows you to be automatically notified whenever a specified article in Web of Science is newly cited.

From the right column of an article's record, just click on the icon: "Create Citation Alert".

For online tutorial of Citation Alerts click here.