Ms. Dawn Rachel Sinclair
Canadian Educator
Rachael Sinclair is a Canadian educator, who has been teaching in Kuwait since 2006. Her interests include ESL curriculum development, educational psychology and blended learning. During her spare time, she enjoys painting, writing, antiquing, and traveling.
Dr. Denise Lujan, Ed.D
Director Entering Student Experience
Dr. Denise Lujan, Ed.D., is the inaugural Director for the Entering Student Experience unit at the University of Texas at El Paso. Created in 2020, ESE includes the UTEP University Studies Courses, Developmental Math, Developmental English and a host of other programs aimed at helping students transition to UTEP. She is focused on creating a holistic experience for entering students at UTEP by increasing student engagement, agency, and belonging, as well as academic success and professional preparation. Dr. Lujan has taught developmental math to underprepared students who enter UTEP for over twenty years. She was the Director for Developmental Math for thirteen years and transformed the department to one where student success is at the heart of its mission. In recognition of this, the department received the coveted Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board Star Award in 2014.