Muder M AlMi'ani

Muder M AlMi'ani

Associate Professor
MIS Department

Awards & Grants


Journal Articles


Conference Papers




About the Faculty Member

Dr. Muder Almiani is an Associate Professor of Management Information System (MIS). Dr. Almiani joined Gulf University for Science and Technology in September 2020. Dr. Almiani obtained his Ph.D from University of Bridgeport in Computer Science and Engineering, USA. Dr Almiani has been actively involved with the Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers (IEEE). Before joining GUST Dr. Almiani was the chair of computer information systems department (2014-2018) and the chair of management information system department (2013-2017) in Al Hussein bin Talal University, Jordan , and he was the Chair of Computer/ Computational Intelligence Chapter IEEE, Jordan Section (2017-2020). Dr. Almani has been on the program committee of many national and international conferences, organized and chaired special sessions etc.

Teaching Interest(s)

Cybersecurity, Security information, System Analysis and Design, E-Government, Database Systems, Management Information Systems, Knowledge Management Systems, and Web Design and Internet Programming.