Khaled ElMawazini
Associate ProfessorAwards & Grants
Journal Articles
Conference Papers
About the Faculty Member
Teaching Interest(s)
I have a teaching experience in the following eighteen (19) undergraduate and graduate (DBA/MA/MBA) courses:\n1-3 Econometrics (DBA / MA/ MBA)\n4- Quantitative Analysis (DBA)\n5- Macroeconomics (MA)\n6- Economic and Business Forecasting (MA)\n7- Economics for Managers (MBA)\n8- Advanced Topics in Economics (MBA)\n9- Industrial Organization\n10- Government and Business,\n11- Managerial Economics\n12- World Economy,\n13- Principles of microeconomics\n14- Principles of macroeconomics\n15- Introduction to Econometrics\n16- Statistical Analysis for Economics and Business\n17- Money, Banking and Monetary Theory,\n18- Economic Development.\n19- International Finance\nIn addition, I supervised dozens of theses and research projects at undergraduate and graduate (DBA/MA /MBA) levels. The average of my teaching evaluations is (4.3/5) during the period 2005-Present.
Expertise Area(s)
Multinational Enterprises, Panel Data Applied Econometrics, Technology Transfer, Human Development, and Host Country Absorptive Capacity