Omar Moufakkir

Omar Moufakkir

Business Administration Department

Awards & Grants


Journal Articles


Conference Papers




About the Faculty Member

ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS Dr. Omar Moufakkir did his PhD in Michigan State University in the USA, his graduate studies in France and in the Netherlands. He is specialized in the marketing and management of Parks, Tourism and Recreation Resources. He has published on A* journals and is currently serving as Associate Editor for Annals of Tourism Research, one of the leading journals in the field. He served in many managerial positions, including Research director, Dean of Research and continuing education, Head of Business Department, and Course director. He worked in The US, Netherlands, France, and is currently working at the Gulf University for Science and Technology, in Kuwait. His research interests revolve around consumer behavior in travel and tourism. Ph.D. Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, United States of America. Resource Development, Degree in Park, Recreation and Tourism Resources Marketing and Management, minor in community development, emphasis on tourism/gaming impacts, marketing, case study research. Dissertation title: Changes in Selected Economic and Social Indicators Associated with the Establishment of Casinos in the City of Detroit. Defense date: September, Tuesday 24, 2002. Degree earned: December 12, 2002. USA. M.A University of North London, London. England. Degree in International Leisure and Tourism Studies, concentration in the social psychology of leisure. Thesis title: Elderly Women and Gambling: In the Social Psychology of Leisure and Gambling Behavior. Graduated August, 1997 with Distinction. UK. M.A World Leisure and Recreation Association (WLRA), International Center of Excellence (WICE), Leeuwardren, the Netherlands. Degree in International Leisure and Recreation Studies, specialization in travel and tourism marketing, concentration in tourism research and tourism marketing. Thesis title: Tourism Market Study for Marquette County,...

Teaching Interest(s)

Services Marketing Principles of Marketing Consumer Behavior in Marketing International Marketing Marketing Research Services marketing International marketing Principles of marketing; Services marketing; Marketing research; Consumer behavior; Brand management; Tourism management; Events management; Thesis/dissertation writing -case-based learning; Critical thinking in relation to thesis/dissertation writing; Research methods; Global issue in hospitality and tourism; Sustainable development; Controversies in hospitality and tourism -selected topics;

Expertise Area(s)

Parks, Tourism, Hospitality, and Recreation Resources Marketing and Management, Development of research centers, Research methods, services marketing, Community development, Critical thinking applied to dissertation/thesis writing, Policy and planning, Sustainable development, Applied sociology, Consumer behavior