Mohamed M Moustafa
ProfessorAwards & Grants
Journal Articles
Conference Papers
About the Faculty Member
Professor Mostafa has published over 100 research papers in several leading academic peer reviewed journals, including Psychology & Marketing, Journal of Managerial Psychology, Journal of Promotion Management, Journal of Marketing Communications, International Journal of Consumer Studies, International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, Health Marketing Quarterly, Journal of Marketing for Higher Education, Journal of International Consumer Marketing, Qualitative Market Research, Global Business Review, Cross Cultural Management, Industrial Management & Data Systems, International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, International Journal of Business Performance Management, Expert Systems with Applications, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, International Journal of Intelligent Computing & Cybernetics, Neural Computing and Applications, Civil Wars, Studies in Conflict and Terrorism, Sustainable Development, International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology and the Journal of Economic Studies. He has also presented numerous papers at professional conferences...
Teaching Interest(s)
Teaching Interests International marketing; International management; Marketing models/Marketing engineering; Marketing research; Green/Environmental marketing; Consumer behavior; Research methods; Advertising and promotion management; Principles of marketing; Marketing creativity and innovation; Creative thinking and problem solving; New product management; TQM; Quantitative analysis; Quantitative marketing methods; Multivariate statistics; Business statistics, Computerized data analysis and Advanced topics in marketing.