Based on SCImago Institutions Rankings (SIR), GUST has the best Economics and Finance Department
Dr. Umar Ruhi, Associate Professor and Director of the Centre for Business Analytics and Performance at the University of Ottawa, paid a visit to GUST to meet with the finance faculty and students.
GUST students Abdulateef A S A Alomar, AlJouhara AlNafisi, Ahmad AlEnezi, Diana Fathi Hassan Omer, and Hessah Al Ateeqi competed in the CFA Research competition 2023
MCM students have recently launched a podcast named "GUST & US," gaining a notable following on social media.
The English Department participated in three experiential learning projects for our students during the Spring Semester.
The first annual Literature Student Research Symposium was held on May 14, 2023.
Open Registration for Fall Starting from August 13 – September 28
Abdulaziz Malallah, a Visual Communication student studying at GUST, achieved a remarkable milestone by representing Kuwait at the prestigious Cannes Lions Roger Hatchuel Academy in 2023.
YOU ASKED, WE LISTENED! Finally! GUST Gym is now accessible for all GUST Alumni!
The CS students were awarded for their outstanding achievements in research and wining renowned competitions
English Literature students prepared presentations to showcase their research to the English...
The first VEX competition to be conducted in Kuwait.